Membership Brings Benefits
A membership with The American Legion, Department of Puerto Rico, will impact your life and the lives of your fellow veterans.
Which path will you take after serving? The American Legion can help. We offer endless resources and programs to assist you. We can help you navigate and secure your military benefits. Do you want to continue to serve? Let's work together.
The Legion’s services are divided among its four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation; National Security; Americanism; and Children & Youth.
I. Veteran’s Affairs & Rehabilitation
The American Legion is the nation's leading advocate for veteran health care, economic opportunities, and legal benefits for more than a century. We continue to actively lobby for adequate funding for VA health care, timely access to facilities, fair rulings on benefit claims, and economic opportunities for those who have come home changed by their military experiences.
Here's how we can help you receive what you've earned:
Determine eligibility
File for benefits
Healthcare for you and your family including counseling
Veterans Crisis Line
VA Caregiver Support
Women Veterans Healthcare
Homeless Veterans prevention and aid
Employment Opportunities
Vocational training
VA Loans and Insurance
Beneficiary travel
Nonservice-connected pension
Dependency and indemnity compensation
Education benefits
Burial benefits
Correction of military records
GI Bill for a New Century
II. National Security
The American Legion focuses on national defense, homeland security, and quality of life for you, the service member, and your family. It works closely with each branch of the U. S. Armed Forces to stay informed about issues that affect our troops and our military families.
​The American Legion has identified the following legislative priorities:
Military Pay and Pension
Military Quality of Life
Operation Comfort Warriors
Increase size of Armed Forces
Homeland security
Foreign relations
Quality of life for service members, retirees, and military families
Full accounting of POW/MIAs
III. Americanism
Americanism is an enduring love of country, loyalty to its institutions and ideals, eagerness to defend it against all enemies, individual allegiance to the U.S. flag, and a desire to secure the blessing of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.
Our activities acknowledge and preserve our heritage, recognizing the rights of all.
The following committees support our Americanism mission:
Youth Law Cadets
Junior Shooting Sports
Boys State and Nation
High School Oratorical
The Pledge of Allegiance
U.S. Flag protection and education programs
School awards and scholarships
Legacy Run
Recognition of Educators and First Responders
Citizenship Outreach, voter encouragement, and Immigration issues
IV. Children & Youth
The American Legion is focused on the welfare of our country’s children and the issues facing young people. Our commitment to our future extends to caring for their children and our nation’s children.
We prioritize our Children & Youth through the following efforts:
Family Support Network
Temporary Financial Assistance
Child safety: drugs, youth suicide, Halloween safety, missing children
Child abuse, disabilities, and illnesses
Child Welfare Foundation
Endowment Fund